And fishing, and fishing...
And then I get a bit bored, so how about exploring the Underbelly?
There is so much to see and so many funny details in the sewers of Dalaran, at first I thought maybe talking to some local fishermen could help me fish up that giant rat faster, but there wasn't much help in Angelo Pescatore, other than he could recommend me a drink at the Cantrips & Crows.
So, after a Snowplum Brandy or two, slightly tipsy, I could start my exploring!
Underbelly Croc stares at you hungrily as he licks his chops... Ups, slowly walking the other way...
Oh! Look! Thats the one I want!
I wonder how she got that thing down here?
Excuse me sir, are you allright? Hello! Hmmm, sleeping it off it seems... This guy had a Kungaloosh or three too many, luckily he can learn you how to make them, if you've been questing in Sholazar Basin and finished The Taste Test quest (the last in a chain of many), this drunken mage offers you the quest Fletcher's Lost and Found, that teaches you how to make Kungaloosh.
Ups! Gone just a bit too far there, the sewers had to end somewhere, right? I'm going back in!
Hmmm, the Black Market seems like a nice place...
I'm NOT fishing that thing up!
Now, this is a interesting guy, Darahir is the only vendor you can buy the Ghostly Skull pet from.
Nice, isn't it?
There are so many curious things down here, lets have a look;
Hmmm, what's this? I can pick it up... Can I just.. Take one?!
Underbelly Elixir, you sure about this? it says.. What could possibly happen if I have a little taste?
Oh, that what happens, lets try another one!
OMG, I'm fat! With a moustache! Hey, wait! +50 fishing bonus, not that bad beeing turned into a Tuskarr after all, back to fishing for that giant rat!